Sheryl's Alaskan Malamutes - Cinnabar - Growth Photos
Cinnabar - Growth Photos
 March 8, 2005
Ruby with pups
 March 08, 2005
 March 13, 2005
Ruby with pups
 March13, 2005
 March 22, 2005
 March 28, 2005
 April 4, 2005
 April 4, 2005
Cinnabar & littermates
 April 19, 2005
 April 22, 2005

big brother Sebastian keeping an eye on him while he snoozes April 22, 2005
Cinnabar handled the plane trip like a champ. Here's a shot of him the first night, checking out his 'growing into' crate, and another with big brother Sebastian keeping an eye out for him when he conked out.
April 22, 2005
He's figured out his water jug (took 3 seconds), and is having a blast playing with all big brother's toys. Cinnabar & Sebastian play together through the crate door (both crates). I'm working with Sebastian on leash to be gentle around the puppy. He wants to play with him like he plays at Day Care, but he's working on "gentle" so little brother doesn't get stepped on.
Cinnabar had his first day at Day Care today and got lots of attention, people & cats to play with and other puppies soon.
He starts Puppy Kindergarten on May 16th, and has his first vet appointment tomorrow.
I love him, thank you!!!!!!!!!!!
Sheryl Franklin April 26, 2005
 April 28, 2005
 April 28, 2005 15 lbs
 April 30, 2005
May 2005
 May 1, 2005 next to XLarge (500) crate
 May 6, 2005 2 months old
 May 12, 2005 18.3 lbs.
 May 13, 2005
 May 15, 2005
 May 17, 2005
 May 22, 2005 with Sebastian
 May 28, 2005
 May 30, 2005
June 2005
 June 4, 2005 3 months old
 June 10, 2005
 June 12, 2005
 June 16, 2005 35.2 lbs.
 June 19, 2005
 June 27, 2005
July 2005
 July 2, 2005
 July 7, 2005 4 months old
 July 11, 2005 19" at the shoulder 48.2 pounds
 July 11, 2005
 July 19, 2005
 July 20, 2005 20" at the shoulder
 July 24, 2005
 July 31, 2005 22" at the shoulder
 July 31, 2005
August 2005
 August 6, 2005
 August 6, 2005 5 months old 58.8 lbs. vet scale
 August 8, 2005 23" at the shoulder next to Giant (700) crate
 August 14, 2005
 August 21, 2005
September 2005
 September 3, 2005 25" at the shoulder
 September 6, 2005 6 months old 72.6 lbs. vet scale
 September 10, 2005 26" at the shoulder
 September 11, 2005
 September 19, 2005
 September 25, 2005
October 2005
 October 6, 2005 7 months old 27" at the shoulder 79.6 lbs vet scale
 October 15, 2005
 October 19, 2005
 October 23, 2005
November 2005
 November 1, 2005
 November 5, 2005 8 months old 27+" at the shoulder 86.1 lbs vet scale
 November 13, 2005
 November 19, 2005
 November 27, 2005
December 2005
 December 9, 2005 27+" at the shoulder 89.8 lbs vet scale 9 months old
 December 9 2005
 December 18 2005
 December 24 2005
 December 31 2005
January 2006
 January 1, 2006 10 months old 27.5" at the shoulder
 January 8, 2006 94.4 lbs vet scale
 January 15, 2006
 January 22, 2006
 January 28, 2006
February 2006
 February 5, 2006 11 months old 28" at the shoulder 95.1 lbs vet scale
 February 13, 2006
 February 19, 2006
website design by Sheryl
bordered background by Sheryl
© 2005 all images © Sheryl Franklin unless elsewise attributed
all Alaskan Malamute sound files © Sheryl Franklin
website hosting by FranklinCommunications
domain name by DomainRegister.com

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