Sheryl's Alaskan Malamutes - Activities - Weight Pulling - IWPA - Baxter - February 21/22, 2015
Alaskan Malamute Lovefest
Weight Pulling

IWPA - Baxter - February 21/22, 2015
No long drive, or any drive at all to this pull. It's in my yard. However, the preparation for the pull was heavy. I purchased a weightpull cart from a puller in VA and had it transported by a Uship driver. Got the 4000 lbs of block purchased and delivered from Lowes. Got the cattle fence for the chute from Tractor Supply. Ordered the scale and hoist online. Ordered 2 sizes of slings from Missy, as well as etched wooden plaques for MWP and MWPP. Printed up certificates using the Bogie artwork from Debbie Lee.

We had snow in Tennesee and it wasn't melting. Very chilly with heavy rain. Other than Dave and Missy, that kept everyone away. Their main transportation truck wasn't cooperating, so they brought just Bobber to pull. That was fine. Dave shoveled the chute, and we had slushy grass on which to pull.

Bobber pulling
Bobber pulling

Bobber pulling
Bobber pulling

Bobber pulling
Bobber pulling

Bobber pulling
Bobber pulling

Cinnabar pulling
Cinnabar pulling

Sebastian pulling
Sebastian pulling

Cinnabar pulling
Cinnabar pulling

Cinnabar pulling
Cinnabar pulling

Sebastian pulling
Sebastian pulling

The next day was a little warmer, cloudy and now the chute was muddy.

All 3 pulled again, pulling a little higher than the day before.

A good first pull to make sure everything was working right :) Thanks, Dave, Missy, Jon & Ian!

10 month old Sebastian - down/stay with hand signals only
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bordered background by Sheryl
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